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Happy Woden's Day! Thors day!

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Happy Woden's Day! Thors day!

Post by Bathilde »

So, I notice people like to celebrate the days of the week(mostly wednesday and thursday for obvious reasons). It's cute I guess, and fun to point out that there are days of the week named for our gods and whatnot.

Well the reason why we have these germanic gods for some of our weekdays is because of the romans(and the greeks, etc but mainly the romans). The romans believed that the gods have domains over certain planets, and in turn these have dominion over times of day and week(and month and so forth). Romans and Germanic peoples, through trading and whatnot, went through what is called interpretatio(Germanica and Romana), so Jupiter is Thor, Odin is Mercury, Venus is Frigga(or Freyja I guess), and so on. Germans adotped the 7 day week, hence and used germanic names for those gods' planets. And those countries with romance languages still use the roman names. Saturn's day remains as well. How many heathens celebrate Saturn?

I think it's a bit odd, and I'm not terribly concerned with it. But I made this topic cause I think it's interesting to talk about. What do you guys think?
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Re: Happy Woden's Day! Thors day!

Post by schwarzesonne »

Just to add a bit to what you said...

The way the Germans originally started adapting Roman day-names to German day-names began as a military fad (which should be no surprise when one considers how many German warriors were employed by the Romans). A military fad occurs when civilians begin using terms or phrases gained from military exposure such as when we say things like “squared away”, “FUBAR” or “going to the head”.

Personally I don't find any real significance to the day names although it is kind of nice that some of are gods' names are preserved that way.
~~Steve Anthonijsz
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Sjpielsewolf Wotanson
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Re: Happy Woden's Day! Thors day!

Post by Sjpielsewolf Wotanson »

o well - It is simply trend hopping. The romans were the smart, advanced high tech guys.. They could read, had better equipment, somehow they came across more civilised etc - And thus people started copying that - just like people in the jungle running arround in nike-shirts and mobile phones, but in the mean while starving from hunger.

I have problems with putting heathenry in combination with the stars. I dont see myself as a stargazer - stars are for mythologies of desert people. When we look up we see clouds or trees. Sun and moon, yes, stars not - atleast not that overly complicated crap - we have other things to mirror to - an environments thats alive and near, surrounding us that can very easily be read and interpreted.

I personally don't like roman ways, I also dont like people over-valueing foreign thnings. But indeed, multi-culture as it is called today was happening back then as well - that doesnt mean I have to see it as a good thing tho, now and then.

For the rest i find it a bit dull to make every day a party day... But yes - those that do probably have a more fun in life lol - So just let people be happy with their own lil discoveries and eureka moments, and stuff - I personally find it a bit exaggerated and over enthusiastic over something that has been like this almost forever.

Its friday by the way! Weekend! YaY - NOT because it's frey's day, or freyjas day - but simply because i dont have to work for 2 days - it should be free-day tho... a day off: Vrij-dag - Frei-tag... Free-day - yup yup... that would be much better!weekend after thursday.
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