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Belief System: Anglo-Saxon Heathen


Post by JeffSinger »

Hi my name is Jeff but i often go by Heffe (A variation on my name from highschool, pronounced Hef-ay).

I am a Heathen reconstructionist

For me its been official for two years in january but the funny thing is i seem to have always followed it

as a child a found a book of eddic stories for kids in the library at school, got hooked, claimed devotion to odin and thor, loved vikings, loved heroes and stories of bad assery

as a teen i was like pfft that was retarded, god dont exist, then a few years ago i got an intense urge to learn about my ancestors, i mean it was pretty sudden, i began to develope a cultural identity.

Doing all the research i did on the germanic tribes in an attempt to know where i came from i was bound to find heathenism as some point and i did.

I sorta had this cheesey christian stlye feeling of "coming home" and "feeling it in my heart" and all that froofy shit. I realized my ancestors had a religion that reflected who they were and it beloged to them and to me (Im a uni btw, i dont care who comes to the blot as long as their sincere). I realized that the world view was extremely similar to the one i held so everything fit like a glove.

ever since that Winter i have been pretty fierecly studying and absorbing, i feel like the last two years has seen twenty two years worth of study hahaha

lol sorry for being so verbose but im jacked up on coffee and bored

sorry for the typos and sloppyness, im not used to to laptop keyboards

I love to study, drink beer, smoke pot, play video games, hang out, troll, holla at ladies from my porch while drinking 40 oz (Lol not really but one time we did to this cute girl driving by and she flipped us off and i all i could think to myself was "Wow i wish i had three girls on a porch hollering at me" lol) camp and hunt, i love the outdoors.

Im totally not a tree hugger but i am very nature oriented.

I am from Oregon and i am very intense about my Oregon pride, i love it here!

Well, thats it

Oh yeah i can be a raging prick and in fact, i love being one.
Social Media + Heathenry = Eternal Circle jerk
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