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Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:48 pm
by Sjpielsewolf Wotanson
Hello, according to Michelle I have a long ass name man - but Sjp - or in the unformal form peepee will do as well haha. Im not planning to introduce myself very longly, but yes - When I write, it takes a while until I stop - So this is going to be long.

I am an indiginous germanic heathen in a way that comes natural to me. That means to me no chruchy like stuff like waving stuff thru the air and mumbling odd things or anything. Just plain direct connection to the land, ancestors, and anything inthere. I don't do what is expected, I have a very open relationship with that very nature - and find it unnecaserry < I spelled that wrong - oops - to make things look more exciting then they are.

I like and apreciate things as they come - if a tree gives me shade, I thank the tree, not the god that supposedly made it, or the corresponding thingy thats connected to the tree - Direct aproach thus.

I live in Emmen in the Netherlands (north-east part glued to the german border in lower saxony) - Look it some day if you like to get an idea - There are many neolithical monuments here (dolmens) - and other big stones. I like stones, i like tumuli, I like inspiration that can come from natural environments.

I also like localism, chauvinism, - that does not stem from this region, but where I was born and raised in southern Limburg. Its a complete different landscape, language and culture, eventho it's only 3,5 hour drive away from here. I'm raised in Kerkrade - thats a ripuarian town, very close to Aachen and Cologne - but still on Dutch soil. So I moved up north, but stayed living on the east-border.

That is also what binds our communities - they are bot a bit isolated from the rest of the nation - the general dutch people make fun of both places, because we talk funny lol - and live in the middle of nowhere - my family used to work the mines, Helga's (my wife) the peat - in both our regions there are quite alot of gnome lores, and elves and other beings that dwell the land.

I have a bit of anitpathy to honour stuff that I dont really consider mine - I have been raised religious free - I like to keep it that way - so I do know my myths and stuff - the folktales etc - but to me the Edda is not a holy book - I do take my lessons from it tho, just as I do in other fairytales as well - it's a mirror of culture, values, society, the soul of the people etc - That's what I like.

I am more a do-er, I love to play my whistles and drums, and to teach other people how to do that as well haha - I like shared experience - I walk alot, talk even more and am quite chaotic/impulsive/intuitive.

I like the other perspective, animism, shamanism, lightness, openness, spontanianity - and alot of other things. you can check my wordpress or facebook if you feel like knowing more... But i doubt that that will happen lol. There... THATS an intro! (and I think u can already decide by this if you like or dislike me) lol - and if not, not.

Re: Oi!

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:49 pm
by Bathilde
best intro!

Re: Oi!

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:39 am
by Karlsefni
What do you mean by chauvinism, then? Can you elucidate?

Welcome, also too.