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Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:35 pm
by Bathilde
This FB group, European Paganism and Heritage was talking about the Jarnsaxa Scale. And amongst the commenters was a neo-nazi d-bag. Funny thing is, when this was pointed out to the group that this guy is nazitru, they backed him rather than the person arguing against him. What does this tell you about the group? It tells me that this group is crap and is full of nazitru d-bags. Judge for yourself, and comment.

Does not speaking out against nazitru say something about you? Does defending nazitru say something about you?

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:48 pm
by JeffSinger
Hell yea it does, if you speak against it your obviously atleast slightly educated and atleast slightly a good person, speak for nazitru you really are a retard, some reasons include

1.Hitler used the pagan shit as propaganda and essentially made fun of them

2.There is NO Eddic or Historical basis for pagan racism

3.The Ancestors probably thought they were better than everyone else (Ancient tribal societys were very ethno centric) but that probably would have thought that because it was their tribe against the others, survival and all that shit, so naturally you will place yourself above the others, nazis place themselves above other not based off a thing like survival but sheer ignorance that they are genetically better, and they belive this with no basis

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:49 pm
by Bathilde
Excellent response, I agree wholeheartedly.

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:50 pm
by JeffSinger
what i dont get about these assholes is why if they are so genetically supirior to everyone else why are they always white trash losers i.e. Larry the cable guy types (I dont know if hes a a racist, but hes a good archtype for a white trash nazi type)

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:57 pm
by Ransom999
I was the one who was trying to point out that they had a nazi piece of shit in their midst. Instead of backing me, those fucks teamed up on me. The admins husband, who calls himself a gothi has outlawed me for 10 from what I don't know. Those guys are a bunch of retard followers. Anyways their are about 10 people from my so called friends list that are in that group, and none of them said anything to back me up. Fuck em'

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:57 pm
by Bathilde
JeffSinger wrote:what i dont get about these assholes is why if they are so genetically supirior to everyone else why are they always white trash losers i.e. Larry the cable guy types (I dont know if hes a a racist, but hes a good archtype for a white trash nazi type)

Maybe because white trash tends to be disenfranchised people who are looking for acceptance, and neo-nazi groups, white supremacist groups, etc exploit this.

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:00 pm
by Bathilde
Ransom999 wrote:I was the one who was trying to point out that they had a nazi piece of shit in their midst. Instead of backing me, those fucks teamed up on me. The admins husband, who calls himself a gothi has outlawed me for 10 from what I don't know. Those guys are a bunch of retard followers. Anyways their are about 10 people from my so called friends list that are in that group, and none of them said anything to back me up. Fuck em'
It's possible they don't check that group very much.

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:08 pm
by Ransom999
true dat.

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:09 pm
by JeffSinger
disenfranchised people, i suppose that makes sense

Re: Nazitru, FB groups, and D-bags

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:36 pm
by Aelfgar
Ransom999 wrote:The admins husband, who calls himself a gothi has outlawed me for 10 from what I don't know.
Yes that was completely ludicrous, as were the comments defending the nazitruar. I'll have no problem staying away from that page.