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Thor Movie

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Re: Thor Movie

Post by Bathilde »


Re: Thor Movie

Post by Recycler4570 »

The Beowulf and Grendel movie looks good. It's gotta be better than the version with Christopher Lambert!

I'll most likely wait till the Thor movie is on cable.
The SyFy people didn't even read enough lore to get the hammer right: their Mjollnir had a handle about 5 feet long!
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Re: Thor Movie

Post by MysteriousB13 »

I loved the Thor movie... I know plenty that hated it though, mostly comic book nerds, but it's less about the Thor comics and more about the Avengers and is supposed to be an introductory type film. To me, it's just a movie, loosely based on a comic that is loosely based on the mythology.
If you want it true to the comics, then watch the Avengers cartoon series, if you looking for a historic interpretation... Then the movie is not the right place to look ;) if your looking to be entertained and you can keep all that in mind, then it should be fine.
Besides, it may raise the awareness of Norse paganism, and that can only be a good thing... Think of it as free advertising ;)
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