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Re: Non Heathen Partners

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:46 pm
by Bathilde
Aelfgar wrote:Having had bad experiences with non-Heathen partners, I would only go with a Heathen one now. But since I'm a hermit now it's a moot point ;)
LOL If I were like you I'd have to go only with non-heathen partners.

Re: Non Heathen Partners

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:51 am
by Aelfgar
I should amend that last post, as the bad experiences I have had are only with Christian partners, can't say really about Jewish or Muslim...or even Buddhist for that matter. They were always trying to convert me. Plus were I to "take the plunge" again I'd like it to be with someone I could share a big part of my life with.

Hopefully that makes sense, it's early and my espresso hasn't kicked in yet, lol.