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Greetings and Well met!

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Greetings and Well met!

Post by Fenrir085 »

Greetings everyone, My name is Charles, but I usually go by "Fenrir085" or just "Fenrir" on the internet.

I am a man who is interested in the Heathen traditions of the Celtic and Scandinavian cultures.

I was born, baptized, and raised Catholic, however that was not by choice. I never felt truly connected to Catholicism or even God for that matter, I always felt drawn to the old ways, the old beliefs. I am not officially converted to any specific Heathen faith, but I do wish to change that, but before I do, I must to my research and see if it is truly what i should do.

I want to tell you all a story, and I will do my best to keep it short.

When I was very young I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome (A form of "High Functioning" High Functioning Autism, at least that is the way I put it.), for many years my life was difficult, I had no idea what was wrong with me, when I still identified as Catholic, I prayed to god every night begging him to help me, no answer. For years I felt alone and abandoned. At times I felt like a pariah, a social outcast, it seemed like it was never end. Until I discovered Asatru.

Now for many years I was under the impression that Asatru and the many other Heathen faiths were dead religions, I did not believe people still worshiped the old Gods, I guess that had to do with my father being a devout Catholic and isolating me from the many faiths that was shake that believe system.

Now like I said, I never officially converted to any Heathen faith, but I did learn a few things about Asatru, and the texts that I read literally brought tears to my eye's, it was some of the most beautiful pieces of writing I've ever read, but I still believe that I have much to learn.

One the subject of my Asperger's, the teachings and traditions of Asatru have made dealing with my "issues" so much easier, giving me a code to live by, never breaking that code. It finally feels like I have a purpose, and I thank Odin and the whole of the Æsir for that.

Now I joined this Heathen community to help further my knowledge of the various Heathens beliefs and more specifically Asatru, and to possibly make some friends along the way.

I thank you all for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to reading your replies.

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Re: Greetings and Well met!

Post by Bathilde »


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Re: Greetings and Well met!

Post by thunresman »

Welcome Fenrir !!!
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